- Administration
- Anime
- Aquarius
- Aries
- Articles in Need!
- Basic Rules
- Cancer
- Capricorn
- Chapter 10: The Tenth Battle
- Chapter 11: The Eleventh Battle
- Chapter 12: War's End
- Chapter 1: The First Battle
- Chapter 1: The Twelve
- Chapter 2: Rabbit, Snake, Chicken, Dog, Boar
- Chapter 2: The Second Battle
- Chapter 3: Chicken, Dog, Boar
- Chapter 3: The Third Battle
- Chapter 4: Rat, Monkey, Chicken, Boar
- Chapter 4: The Fourth Battle
- Chapter 5: The Fifth Battle
- Chapter 6: The Sixth Battle
- Chapter 7: The Seventh Battle
- Chapter 8: The Eighth Battle
- Chapter 9: The Ninth Battle
- Characters
- Dotsuku
- Dotsuku/Gallery
- Duodecuple
- Duodecuple/Gallery
- Episode 10: A Tiger May Die, But It Leaves Its Skin
- Episode 11: To Treat a Man to Beef From His Own Cow
- Episode 12: The One Wish That Must Be Granted, and the Ninety-nine That Can Be Done Without
- Episode 1: Even Boars May Become Pigs After Seven Generations
- Episode 2: Tricks Both Mongrel and Fowl
- Episode 3: Cutting a Chicken with a Beef Cleaver
- Episode 4: The Enemy, a Noble Primate
- Episode 5: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- Episode 6: Even a Champion Racehorse May Stumble
- Episode 7: In Like a Dragon, Out Like a Snake (Part 1)
- Episode 8: In Like a Dragon, Out Like a Snake (Part 2)
- Episode 9: The Man Who Chases Two Rabbit Catches Neither
- Fun and Games
- Gemini
- General Discussion
- Head of the Dragon Clan
- Head of the Dragon Clan/Gallery
- Head of the Niwa Clan
- Head of the Niwa Clan/Gallery
- Head of the Snake Clan
- Head of the Snake Clan/Gallery
- Hitsujii
- Hitsujii/Gallery
- Image Policy
- Inounoshishi
- Inounoshishi's Father
- Inounoshishi's Father/Gallery
- Inounoshishi's Mother
- Inounoshishi's Mother/Gallery
- Inounoshishi/Gallery
- Inounoshishi VS Usagi
- Juuni Taisen Original Soundtrack
- Juuni Taisen Wiki
- Keshin no Kemono
- Keshin no Kemono (Single)
- Kiyoko
- Kiyoko/Gallery
- Leo
- Libra
- Light Novel
- List of Episodes
- List of Light Novel Chapters
- List of Manga Chapters
- Manga
- Manual of Style
- Manual of Style:Basic
- Manual of Style:Chapters
- Manual of Style:Characters
- Manual of Style:Episodes
- Manual of Style:Music
- Music
- Navi
- New on Wikia starter pages
- News and Announcements
- Nezumi
- Nezumi/Gallery
- Niwatori
- Niwatori/Gallery
- Pisces
- Questions and Answers
- Rapture
- Rapture (Single)
- Reasons for Banning
- Request for Adminship
- Rules & Guidelines
- Sagittarius
- Scorpio
- Sharyu
- Sharyu/Gallery
- Tatsumi Kyoudai Ani
- Tatsumi Kyoudai Ani/Gallery
- Tatsumi Kyoudai Otouto
- Tatsumi Kyoudai Otouto/Gallery
- Taurus
- The One Wish That Must Be Granted, and the Ninety-nine That Can Be Done Without
- Tora
- Tora/Gallery
- Usagi
- Usagi/Gallery
- Ushii
- Ushii/Gallery
- Uuma
- Uuma/Gallery
- Virgo